Does Umbrella Insurance Cover Family Members?

Do you own expensive assets, work in a business with a high incidence of lawsuits, or are planning on taking a trip abroad? If so, you may want to consider purchasing umbrella insurance coverage. It kicks in when you reach the liability limits of another insurance policy and covers bodily harm to other people, damage to property belonging to a third party, and incidents that occur outside the United States. Furthermore, it covers the cost of hiring a lawyer to represent you if you’re sued and the cost of paying a settlement or judgment.

Umbrella Insurance: What is and Isn’t Covered

Umbrella insurance covers your spouse and children for the same incidents for which you receive coverage. It’s ideal for many families as you only need to purchase a single policy to provide compensation for a vast range of incidents. However, it’s important to bear in mind that umbrella insurance doesn’t cover every possible scenario that could affect you and your immediate family. It doesn’t include intentional acts or injuries, including deliberately damaging someone’s property or harming a third party. It won’t cover business losses, damage arising from criminal acts you’ve committed, or losses related to a terrorist attack, war, or nuclear radiation. 

Get the Right Insurance from DJ Kauffman Agency in Hutchinson, KS

DJ Kauffman Agency has been serving Hutchinson, KS, since 2011. This small, family-owned business has a track record of providing its clients with top-tier customer service, personalized attention, and expert advice. If you’re looking for full coverage and are thinking about taking out an umbrella insurance policy, contact us to learn more about our options or to get a policy quote.